Chasing That Pipe Dream
To all of you who occasionally read this blog, first let me apologize for how boring and unattended it is 🙂
I started this site to support a hobby that quickly became a passion. But having a full time job and a family of 5, has left me with minimal time to spare for hobbies and creative passions. Well, this blog is about to get much more active. Today I’m announcing that I’m unplugging from the corporate world to chase that pipe dream.
I wanted to post a picture that could tell the story that’s in my heart, and this one really says a lot. Having worked in the corporate world of sales for a long time, my creativity has always had to take a back row seat to things that were “more important”. But the time has come for me to give my creativity it’s day in the light.
Tomorrow marks the start of a new chapter in my life. I’m officially unplugging from the corporate machine and investing in my pipe making passion. I’ll be making pipes full time.
So with a little trepidation and much excitement, I’m stepping off and setting out to explore a brand new world.
What I’m really excited about is seeing what I can do with full dedication towards this wonderful hobby. As you can probably imagine, it’s sometimes hard to start projects and have to put them down over and over because you’ve only got a few hours at a time to work on them. I work best when I’m in the zone, and having been only able to work on pipes part time, it’s often hard to ever get in that zone. So, I expect to see an increase in quality, many new designs and better takes on old ones…and a whole lot more Growley pipes for you all to look at!
So, wish me luck and keep watch! There should be some new exciting things happening in the Growley Pipe world!
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