How I got started making pipes:
I had a short history of collecting pipes before I tried my hand at making one. One afternoon I was admiring my Ben Wade Danish Freehand, and I wondered if I could make one myself. I bought a piece of briar and a stem and got to work. Twenty-three hours later I had what looked like an UGLY pipe! Nonetheless, I had discovered a new passion.
Before ever making a second pipe, I was able to connect with some of the best pipe makers and learn about proper mechanics, tooling, fluid flow, turbulence, and a number of things I never knew were important for a quality smoking and beautiful looking pipes.
I’ve always loved working with my hands and working with wood. Making something usable, collectible and beautiful makes carving pipes all the more enjoyable.
My Philosophy:
We all have some sort of skills or talent. I see my skills as God-given, and therefore I strive to hone them and use them to the best of my ability. I want to always get better, always find new and beautiful shapes, and always make great smoking pipes for people to enjoy.
I believe that while one can make a pipe with nothing but a drill and a carving knife, having great tools helps build a practice that provides repeatable quality. I believe in this so strongly that I sold my favorite German automobile to pay for great tools!
I also believe in using great materials. Beautiful briar makes the all the difference in a pipe. And quality Ebonite and Acrylics make a more comfortable and durable stem. All of my pipes are hand carved and each stem is hand made, shaped uniquely to fit each and every pipe.
An Ugly Pipe:
Yes, this ugly pipe I affectionately named “knuckles” was my very first pipe, and I was just as proud of it then, as I am of every pipe I make now.
We all have to start somewhere…